Extend PAN-Aadhaar linking deadline for next 6 months

The Member of Parliament Adhir Rajan Chaudhary sent a letter to Indian Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi ji requesting to extend PAN-Aadhaar linking deadline for next 6 months.

The Letter quoted as saying, “I appeal to your persona that Ministry of Finance Department of Revenue has introduced a notification in order to link Aadhar card with pan card online against a payment of Rs.1000 till 31st March, 2023.”

It is further requested that maximum number of Indian do live in extreme remote corners of the country where internet facilities rarely available. And unscrupulous touts have started extorting money stating as their fees from these innocent citizens of rural India.

This is a nightmare and hazardous to maximum number of Indian citizens and not complying with this order would bring extreme misery to most of them.

In this regards, it is Earnestly requested to instruct Ministry of Finance, Department of Revenue to empower all Local and Sub Post Offices to help people to get their pan card linked with Aadhar card free of cost as well as extend the deadline till next six months.

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